Our project management team is composed of experienced and skilled consultants. Each of our senior consultants has over twenty years of business and consulting experience.
Each consultant is well-suited to the functional area under his or her responsibility.
Each consultant is well-versed in tasks and analyses that ensure a comprehensively planned and executed engagement.
Our senior consultants have a record of high quality work that provide our clients with “solutions for success”
Senior Consultant Profiles:
Clifford S. Carthan, President of C. S. Carthan and Associates has an extensive background in general management consulting with expertise in strategic planning and financial management. He brings a wide range of business experience attained over forty years with international management consulting firms, Fortune 500 companies and privately held businesses.
Mr. Carthan received an undergraduate degree in business from DePaul University and a MBA from the University of Chicago.
Sandra Watson-Smith has expertise in human resource management, employee drug testing policy and compliance, and management audits.
Ms. Watson-Smith received an undergraduate in education from Roosevelt University and graduate degree from Northeastern Illinois University.
Morris Reeves has expertise in financial management systems, information management and executive search in information technology industry.
Mr. Reeves received an undergraduate degree in economics from DePaul University and a MBA from the Keller Graduate School of Business.
Jacky Isabel has expertise in management information systems, information technology, telecommunications, data analysis and project management.
Ms. Isabel received an undergraduate degree in Business from Illinois Institute of Technology.